Why write a blog?

Writing a regular blog will highlight to the people visiting your website just how useful your services are for them. And a blog remains on your website.

You have an email list to communicate with your clients and would love a way of delivering great content via newsletters with amazing tips and your latest offers.

And yet everything seems complicated and full of words like ‘funnel’ and ‘mail provider’ and just not your zone of genius.

You are a changemaker and inspiring the world.

It DOES NOT HAVE TO BE complicated!

I’m here … and ready to help you to inspire others!

Writing a regular blog

I’m Alison Smith

Practical & Uncomplicated;

Calming & Encouraging;

Committed to YOU being the best at what you do!

My BEST business results have been when I am writing a regular blog, newsletters and my books.

What if you wrote more blogs to reach more people & even a book (or more) to show you really know your subject and are the ‘go to’ expert in it!

Then, in this online world of ours, there will be a certain amount of tech necessary to make sure your words fly to those who you want to communicate with!

I have become increasingly frustrated by how complicated it appears to be … unnecessarily so!

I’m here to help you write, communicate and sell.

It really doesn’t have to be complicated. When I worked in retail we took delivery through the back door, stocked the shelves on the shop floor and then customers bought and left with their purchses through the front door.

And that is the system that I use to make sure you are stocking your shelves and selling your products with ease and flow!

Yes – you will find that the level of investment will be high. I’m in a different league to most out there. I am making your business work for you …